Laser lighting technology Video

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Infrared laser lighting modules provide escort along the HSR line video

Author:admin   |   Release Time:2024-04-24 16:31:13   |   Source :3KM Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.

3KM‘s Infrared laser lighting modules provide escort along the high-speed rail line

This 2-kilometer, 940nm infrared laser fill light is used in a new high-speed rail laser night vision lighting project, and the customer has put forward new application requirements for the entire infrared laser night vision lighting solution. The biggest difference from usual is that there is a very strict requirement for the uniformity of the laser spot: the uniformity must be above 85%.

Because it is extremely difficult to ensure that the infrared laser light source changes from a nanoscale point to a spot with a diameter of several tens of meters through an optical lens, and the irradiance at each point needs to maintain such high uniformity. The reliability and stability of the laser, the scientific design of the optical path, and the control between overall brightness and laser spot homogenization technology are all new and higher-level requirements......

Detection of laser spot uniformity in infrared laser lighting modules

Detection of laser spot uniformity in infrared laser lighting modules

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